This week are the 2nd week since one of our OIC leaving. At Monday, 14 Aug 2005 we held a farewell party for him. This farewell party should be going on secrecy, as we planed to suprise him. At his last days in Meulaboh we plan to ignore him and show no tendency that we will held a farewell for him, but it appeared then that he could not be neglected *sigh. He looked so depressed and sad when it seemed that everyone did not pay any attention regarding his leave, so that he decided to make his own party. Knowing this matter we decided to give him a clue that we did plan to make some kind of party for him, but what kind of party and where it will be held still on secrets ^^
In preparing the party we formed up some team to carry on their on task. Some will be in charge for decoration, some for food and drinks, some for the party itself, etc. I myself was given task to go to every agency I know to get as much as signature for our big banner. Some staff from the Children Center who did the drawing, and I must say that it is really a nice one.
When it came the day for the party, everyone was coming to give a farewell to him. The party was opening with dance performance by some children from one of the Children Center. After the dance show, it was continued by some farewell speech from some of our representatives and also from our man of the day himself. From what I could heard, I thought that we all agreed he really is a good man, not only a good OIC, but also a good colleague and friend for us all. Not to mention that he also became a good tutor because he taught so many thing for us all.
So, farewell Seamus Mac Roibin. We really hope to see you again and could meet and work together again someday. Hope all the best for you.
Also I must say farewell for Guy Kalustov also, who all of sudden had to leave to his home country a week before. Because all of the sudden we can not give you a proper farewell. But we hope all the best for you too (who teach us how to be a good team player and have an integrity to carry on our jobs).
Goodbye once again for both of you ^^.